Sunday, September 16, 2012

Here We Go... Finally!

Tonight is the eve of Kansas archery season 2012. It feels more like what I assume December 24th, 1992 felt like to me as a giddy five year old than a regular Sunday work night in "the real world". I know for a fact I've never been more ready or prepared for a hunting season. I've never scouted more throughout a summer. I've never shot my bow as much as I have going in to this season. I've never felt so comfortable and confident in the gear I've acquired. Yet I'm as nervous and doubtful as ever. I suppose that's just being a bowhunter. However, after the last two seasons I've had you have to figure the luck will run out at some point, but maybe with all that preparation luck becomes less of a factor. I hope...

With much of the corn and milo still standing in northwest Kansas my deer season will likely get off to a slower start than some. That's alright though, because this coming Saturday is my single most favorite day to hunt, period. It's the antelope opener in my home state. I've got the bow tuned, the knee pads tucked in to my Sitka pants, and the Heads Up waiting patiently to lure a mature buck from his harem. To say I can't wait is an understatement...    - Kaleb

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